Sullivan River Soccer Park
The Sullivan Soccer Park is designed to showcase the best aspects of Washington City community. A space to gather, it uses the natural aesthetic of the area and accommodates city growth and planning. Its design is an innovative blend of planning that accommodates and uses natural flood water and detention areas to support city infrastructure.
The park is entirely located within the flood plain and designed to collect and contain significant rainfall events. The grass filters hydrocarbons and pollutants from the water as it recedes to the river and the rough rock barriers around the pond serve as a channel. The storage pond is a first class urban fishery that also serves to protect the City’s irrigation usage. The Park also features a picnic pavilion, playground, splash pad and a waterfall/wading feature. The innovative planning of the park helps use flood and recycled water to maintain it.
The Sullivan Soccer Park is a product of vision that integrates people with the environment. Historically, the property had been a dumping ground and fire risk with overgrown tamarisk and grasses. It is now an attractive and vital center for Washington City.
The property is now an example of best use for the community. It stores, cleans and protects city water, preserves the rugged and unique beauty of the community, and provides a central place for the neighborhood to enjoy their local area with a fishing pond, picnic areas, soccer fields with operational score boards, bleachers, and concessions stands, and serves as the trail head for the premier Virgin River Trail System.
Project Info
Location: Washington City, Utah